Downtown Springfield Inc. wants to persuade downtown merchants to help eliminate both paper and plastic bags.
The goal is to reduce the number of bags that end up in landfills, especially the non-biodegradable plastic that is the bag of choice at many stores.
Victoria Ringer, DSI executive director, said her organization is talking to retailers about a reusable bag that would become consumers’ “downtown bag” when purchasing items.
Ringer said a handful of merchants and DSI’s Image and Design Council heard a presentation from Joan Barenfanger, who, along with Jane Denes, has been driving the Better Bag Project.
According to the Better Bag Project’s Facebook page, others in Springfield — including the local hospitals, Office Depot, Schnucks, Springfield Clinic, and Wiley Office Furniture -- already are participating. Communities, businesses and groups nationwide have launched efforts to wean consumers off plastic bags and to use more eco-friendly paper and reusable bags.
Barenfanger said she and Denes also are working with the Springfield School District, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and the Springfield Art Association and others to promote the program. The idea began a year ago under the aegis of Sustainable Springfield Inc. and the newly formed Green Business Network of Springfield.
“We’ve had a problem getting the word out,” Barenfanger said. “We’re not on any speaking-engagement list, but we’d love to talk to organizations. We want more retailers across the city to participate.”