
Everyone should make an attempt to modify

Everyone should make an attempt to modify, transform, enrich and reconstruct morals and ethics in the American political sphere. We should respect the unborn and the living.
One should acknowledge God as the creator of all and appeal to him for help in protecting all he graciously has given us. With all these gifts comes the right to use them justly. Hence, all such rights are the gifts of God as affirmed in our Declaration of Independence. These include the right to life and liberty.
We are to rule the world in holiness and righteousness, and pronounce judgment in integrity of heart and soul. Liberty includes the right to use and claim as an individual possession any unclaimed thing received from the hand of God. This right to any possession includes its entire use, that is, its exchange, control, protection and entire disposition. And the first and greatest of these possessions is our life.
Man is the only creature made in God’s image and likeness; all men have an equal duty to love themselves and others to honor that image of the God they are commanded to love. To obliterate that image by unjustly taking a life is the highest crime that one may do to another. To take a life justly is the most somber obligation God ever imposes.
God created man with two great dimensions, individual and social. In so doing, he gave us the right to associate with each other, to take advantage of our rights and to fulfill our duties.
God has imposed on men a duty to associate in governments to put a justified fear into the hearts of evildoers – yes, into the degenerate and reprobate mind. These duties are given for the good of all, but not to deprive any of the rights they are designed to protect. Governments should never commit the crimes they are created to prevent!
The Constitution’s willful distortion has led to the violation of our Tenth Amendment guaranteed right to limited government, which inevitably requires oppressive taxation. Its faithful application will lift that awful burden.

