
I have been on the other end of the loud mouthing

I have been on the other end of the loud mouthing and know how it feels. One such time is listening to the fellow who shoots groundhogs at 1,500 yards and almost never misses. I doubt if he knows 1,500 yards when he sees it.
We were on a groundhog hunt for the Pennsylvania Game Commission some years ago. The commission was checking hogs for deer ticks and wanted samples from various areas. We had to quickly bag them and seal the bag.
It was on this one-day hunt when we bumped into a friend and explained what we were doing. He quickly explained that since it was important to get samples, we should take his brother with us because he never misses.
I raised an eyebrow and said, "He never misses?"
Guess what? We spotted an animal at about 300 yards and guess who missed? Well that was an exception. Next groundhog? He missed again. What part of never did his brother not understand?
Another fellow, teller of tall tales, was in a discussion about turkey hunting. He had listened impatiently while a novice related that he didn't think turkeys were real birds. Those gobbles came from a bug that hid under the forest leaves. Of course, he was speaking out of frustration for he had heard plenty of gobbles but saw nary a bird.
Now the famous teller of tall tales couldn't keep quiet any longer. He told how just a few days ago he had driven his truck up a farmer's lane and parked in a secluded spot. Naturally, he allowed things to quiet down a bit and leaned out the window of his Chevy half-ton and gave a few mouth calls. It only took a minute until three gobblers showed up. They were so excited, he had to close the truck window to keep them from climbing inside.
That man can call turkeys. I busted up laughing, but suddenly realized the man was serious.
I guess I am not the only big-mouth story teller, or, for that matter, the only hunter shooter out there with hoof in mouth disease. That's terminal if your born with your foot in your mouth; it will remain there until you die.

